My Approach to Coaching

For Individuals

I am going to help you change your life, and here’s how I am going to do it:

First, it will teach you how to use 9 personal development tools.

Second, it will equip you with these 6 skills: self awareness, self care, self mastery, self optimization, relational aptitude, and problem-solving & overcoming obstacles.

Third, as a result of learning how to use the tools and acquiring the skills you will be able to triple your income, exponentially improve your relationships, multiply your personal skills and enjoy a more fulfilled life.

For Teams

The team development journey is designed to teach your team how to use personal development tools which will in turn give them these skills: self-awareness, sell-care, self-mastery, self-optimization, relational aptitude, and problem-solving & overcoming obstacles.

This will result in your organization, business or medical practice experiencing an increase in profitability, healthy work culture, team effectiveness and problem solving capabilities.

“911” Coaching

I created this coaching program for people who are in a personal development crisis. It's tailor made for the person who needs immediate help with addressing multiple issues in their life due to their I severity and impact. I only except four clients a month Into the 911 coaching program. If you are in a personal development crisis and think this is a good fit for you click the link below to apply.

"I was introduced to the Enneagram several years ago, and even though I knew my type, I didn't fully understand all the implications that came with it. Michael helped me understand myself better, and it has made me a better wife, mom, and entrepreneur. l valued his expertise so much that I hired him to work with the executives on my team, so that we could all learn how to best work with each other in light of our different personality types. His coaching helped my team become more understanding and cohesive across the board." 

— Natalie

"I have been inspired by The Serial intellectual to take a look at my life and see where I can make positive changes and to realize I cannot control outcomes but I can control how l respond to them and to others in my life. I believe he has provided something for everyone in their search to live a more harmonious and peaceful life."

— Adrianne

"Michael was integral in strengthening our team relationship and dynamics. He is engaging, thoughtful and effective and we still use what he taught us in our daily practice. I've known Michael personally and professionally for over a decade and continue to be impressed with his insight. He has always been a positive force on my growth as a leader and continues to help me clarify my goals and vision for success."

— Dr. Ward

"I had the privilege of working with The Serial Intellectual who played a pivotal role in my personal development. His insightful guidance and constructive feedback empowered me to identify and leverage my strengths while addressing areas for improvement. Through his intentional dedication to answering my questions, he provided valuable strategies for addressing my personal developmental challenges. The impact of his mentorship enhanced my individual growth and improved my confidence.”

— Keasha

"Michael was crucial to my development as a leader. His holistic approach to coaching, unwavering support and ability to facilitate my natural abilities were unmatched. He is a catalytic leader and a coach's coach. His mantra is if it isn't broken don't fix it with the caveat that we are all broken in some way. I consider divine providence that our paths crossed and I haven't been the same since we encountered one another."

— Sean

"Michael's insights helped me get traction at a time in my life when I was spinning my wheels professionally, and it was having an extremely negative impact on me psychologically and spiritually. By implementing his approaches to self-evaluation, self (and other-than-self) confrontation, and planning, I was able to pivot to a much more deliberate long-term strategy which resulted in extremely gratifying success and advancement at a point when I felt things were pretty hopeless. The most important lessons in life are typically taught only by experience, but Mike has a way of guiding you around pitfalls that enables you to learn without the profound costs of failure and error, while simultaneously showing you what that cost might have been. I cannot recommend his coaching highly enough.”

— James