Serial Intellectual Tools

Emotional MRI

designed to help you understand your emotions and their triggers. This tool can help you manage them more effectively and achieve a greater sense of emotional balance.

Understanding your PAUSE

a tool used to help you understand and engage your pause and equip you to make a more informed and free choice about whether to listen to your pause or not.

The Ennegram

a holistic personality assessment designed to make you aware of how you perceive, process and present yourself to the world.

Life Map

a tool designed to help you better understand your past. It aims to provide insights into past influences, acknowledging the profound impact of our history on our perception and presentation to the world.

Mirror Exercise

the mirror exercise is designed to help you uncover your deepest thoughts and emotions about yourself and discover your true self. It is a therapeutic exercise created to help you heal wounds, stop destructive behaviors and bring peace and acceptance and thriving to the real you.

Priority Funnel

The priority funnel was created to help people who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed because they have multiple things in their life that they think are important and need to be addressed. Its primary purpose is to give you a sense of priority clarity while helping you to develop a plan to address the things that are causing you the most stress in your life right now.

How to Write Strategic Affirmations

the most powerful influence in your life is the voice no one hears but you. This exercise is designed to help you rewire your brain so that you can self optimize.

Pillars of Personal Development

This tool teaches you the fundamental building blocks for personal development and how to apply them in a transformative way.


a tool designed to enhance your comprehension of the four most impactful factors influencing relationships. By gaining a deeper understanding of these influences, you can more effectively respond to them within yourself and others.