I began my personal development Journey almost 30 years ago. At that time I was very interested in learning how I could see growth in several areas of my life. As you might imagine back then there wasn't as much information, tools or resources available for people as there are now. But I remember feeling lost and frustrated and not knowing where to start even back then. I remember looking for people who could help me and not being able to find any. I remember facing numerous obstacles in my life and wondering to my self if there were any tools that could help me and if there was anybody who could help me to learn how to use them.

I believe that's one of the reasons why I put my pursuit of personal development on hold for a few years. Around that time I met two men that would change my life forever. One of them was instrumental in teaching me how to think and and how to come up with solutions to problems. To this day I credit him for helping me to become the serial intellectual. He inspired me to create intellectual products that transform people and change the world. The other man was more focused on my personal development, seeing me experience an increase in self awareness, relational aptitude, personal skills, vocational effectiveness and fulfillment in life. Both of these men were very intentional about how they spent time with me. They introduced me to tools and showed me how to use them. They also taught me one of the most valuable skills for personal development, how to assess and identified problems and how to create and implement solutions for them. I no longer felt lost or confuse about where I was going in my personal development journey and how I was going to get there. I began to feel better about myself. I grew more confident as I saw my relationship abilities and personal skills increase.

One of the things that stand out the most about my journey is how accessible and present they were in my life. Feeling that level of support made me feel invincible and made me want to try to create an environment where others could experience what I had. These two men had an indelible impact on my life. This experience made me fall in love with the personal development journey and instilled a passion in me to help others in it.

About the Serial Intellectual